Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
cScratchUnits 4039 R/W Enum 4096
UnknownByte 403A R Integer 2048
transmitter_variable_trim_code 404F Device Variable Trim Code- An index that identifies a Field Device Variable that supports the trim procedure R/W Index 4096
unique_device_type_code 07ED R/W Enum 4096
rosemount_model_code 07F5 R/W Enum 4096
rosemount_analytical_model_code 07F6 R/W Enum 4096
kayray_model_code 07F7 R/W Enum 4096
micro_motion_model_code 07F8 R/W Enum 4096
units_code 07E9 R/W Enum 4096
transfer_function_code 07EA R/W Enum 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class