Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
CustomCurveEnabled100 | 4398 | Custom Curve Enabled | Custom Curve Enabled - Enables or Disables Custom Curve | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
CustomCurveID100 | 4399 | Custom Curve ID | Custom Curve ID - Identifier for the custom curve to be applied during processing | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
ScalingEnabled100 | 439A | Scaling Enabled | Scaling Enabled - Enables or Disables Custom Scaling | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
ScalingX1100 | 439B | Input Min | Input Min - Specifies the Lower Scale From value | R/W | Float | 2048 |
ScalingY1100 | 439C | Scale Min | Scale Min - Specifies the Lower Scale To value | R/W | Float | 2048 |
ScalingX2100 | 439D | Input Max | Input Max - Specifies the Upper Scale From value | R/W | Float | 2048 |
ScalingY2100 | 439E | Scale Max | Scale Max - Specifies the Upper Scale To value | R/W | Float | 2048 |
DevVarZero100 | 439F | Zero | R/W | Float | 2048 | |
DevVarFull100 | 43A0 | Full | R/W | Float | 2048 | |
CustomEGUEnabled100 | 43A1 | Custom EGU Enabled | Enables the Custom EGU string for the device variable. | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |