Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
CC3_NumPoints 42C4 CC Points Custom Curve number of points (2 to 128) R/W Integer 8
CC3_UnitsIn 42C5 CC Units In Custom Curve Units In R/W Integer 8
CC3_UnitsOut 42C6 CC Units Out Custom Curve Units Out R/W Integer 8
CC4_NumPoints 42C7 CC Points Custom Curve number of points (2 to 128) R/W Integer 8
CC4_UnitsIn 42C8 CC Units In Custom Curve Units In R/W Integer 8
CC4_UnitsOut 42C9 CC Units Out Custom Curve Units Out R/W Integer 8
xvalue 42CA X R/W Float 0
yvalue 42CB Y R/W Float 0
aoFailMode 42E6 Fail Mode Analog Output Alarm Type- Defines how the Analog Output will respond when the Field Device detects that the Analog Output may not be tracking the associated Field Device Variable. NOTE- The Digital Value representation may not be determinate. R/W Enum 2048
aoFailTo 42E7 AO Fail To Value Analog Output Fail To Value - Value to drive the Analog Output to when a fault is detected. R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class