Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
rangeAlarmDeadband3 42B2 Deadband R/W Float 2048
rangeAlarmDelay3 42B3 Delay R/W Integer 2048
CC_point_number 42BB CC_point_number R/W Index 4096
CC_curve_number 42BD CC_curve_number R/W Integer 4096
CC1_NumPoints 42BE CC Points Custom Curve number of points (2 to 128) R/W Integer 8
CC1_UnitsIn 42BF CC Units In Custom Curve Units In R/W Enum 8
CC1_UnitsOut 42C0 CC Units Out Custom Curve Units Out R/W Enum 8
CC2_NumPoints 42C1 CC Points Custom Curve number of points (2 to 128) R/W Integer 8
CC2_UnitsIn 42C2 CC Units In Custom Curve Units In R/W Integer 8
CC2_UnitsOut 42C3 CC Units Out Custom Curve Units Out R/W Integer 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class