Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
AvailDroppingHelper 43FD Allow Dropping R/W Enum 4096
burst_mode_selecthelper 4400 Burst mode Burst Mode Select- Selects the mode for the Burst Mode functionality. If Burst is enabled the Field Device will generate HART messages on the Link without individual requests from the Host. R/W Enum 4096
burst_command_numberhelper 4401 Burst Command Burst Option- Selects the variable(s) that will be Bursted if Burst Mode is enabled. R/W Enum 4096
update_periodhelper 4402 Update Period Update period for burst message R/W Time 4096
max_update_periodhelper 4403 Max Update Period Maxium update period for burst message R/W Time 4096
burst_message_trigger_modehelper 4404 Burst Msg Trigger Mode R/W Enum 4096
burst_trigger_unitshelper 4405 Burst Trigger Units R/W Enum 4096
trigger_levelhelper 4406 Burst Trigger Level R/W Float 2048
BMDV0Helper 4407 Slot 0 Device Var R/W Enum 4096
BMDV1Helper 4408 Slot 1 Device Var R/W Enum 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class