Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
dv11Status1 | 4356 | Low SelectStatus | R | BitEnum | 3 | |
dv12Status1 | 4357 | High SelectStatus | R | BitEnum | 3 | |
dv244Status1 | 4358 | Percent of RangeStatus | R | BitEnum | 3 | |
dv245Status1 | 4359 | AOStatus | R | BitEnum | 3 | |
MII_HighLevel | 4360 | MII HighLevel | R | Integer | 4096 | |
dvUnits100 | 4384 | Snsr temp unit | Sensor Temperature Units- Engineering unit to be displayed with Sensor Temperature. | R/W | Enum | 8 |
dvUnits101 | 438A | Snsr temp unit | Sensor Temperature Units- Engineering unit to be displayed with Sensor Temperature. | R/W | Enum | 8 |
dvValue100 | 4385 | S1 Corr Res | My Help | R/W | Float | 10 |
dvFamily100 | 438F | Device family | R | Enum | 2048 | |
dvClassification100 | 4383 | Temp Class | R | Enum | 0 | |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |