Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
CustomEGUEnabled245 4279 Custom EGU Enabled Enables the Custom EGU string for the device variable. R/W Enum 2048
CustomEGU245 427A Custom EGU Custom EGU used for display. Legal characters are: Numbers, Capital Letters, and some special characters R/W ASCII 256
CustomNameEnabled245 427B Custom Name Enabled R/W Enum 2048
CustomName245 427C Custom Name Custom Device Variable Name used for display. Legal characters are: Numbers, Capital Letters, and some special characters R/W ASCII 256
AdvancedSettingsMode 427E Advanced Settings Controls if the Advanced Settings are available for use. R/W Enum 4096
RangeAlarmID 427F ID Used for the INFO,INDEX transfers of DVP Config R/W Index 4096
rangeAlarmEnabled0 428D Enabled R/W Enum 2048
rangeAlarmDVSource0 428E Source Device Variable R/W Enum 2048
rangeAlarmAlarmOrWarn0 428F Response R/W Enum 2048
rangeAlarmInOrOut0 4290 Mode R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class