Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
cDisplayMode | 4045 | Mode | Select displayed variable e.g. PV, SV, TV, AO1, AO2, Scroll | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
DecimalPlaces | 4046 | Decimal Places | Select displayed decimal place e.g. Auto, 0 to 3 | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
CustomLabel | 4047 | Custom Label | Enable / disable custom label use for display only | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
DisplayCustomLabel | 4048 | Label Displayed | Custom label use for display, accepted number and Capitalize character | R/W | ASCII | 256 |
wOutputZero | 4000 | AO1 Zero | Lower range analog output 1 current value: 3.6 to 23.6 mA | R/W | Float | 64 |
wOutputFull | 4001 | AO1 Full | Upper range analog output 1 current value: 3.6 to 23.6 mA | R/W | Float | 64 |
wOutput2Zero | 4049 | AO2 Zero | Lower range analog output 2 current value: 3.6 to 23.6 mA | R/W | Float | 64 |
wOutput2Full | 404A | AO2 Full | Upper range analog output 2 current value: 3.6 to 23.6 mA | R/W | Float | 64 |
cResetParameter | 404B | R/W | Enum | 8 | ||
cResetParameter2 | 404C | R/W | Enum | 8 | ||
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |