Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
DewLowerLimit 402B TV LSL The Dew Point lower limit value R Float 8
DewMinSpan 402C TV Min Span The Dew Point minimum span value R Float 8
HSM_FW_rev 403D HSM FW Rev. HSM Firmware Revision R Integer 2048
HSM_HW_rev 403E HSM HW Rev. HSM Hardware Revision R Integer 2048
HSM_device_id 403F HSM Device ID HSM Device ID(serial number) R Integer 2048
rSensorUpperRange 4040 Sensor URV The sensor input configuration upper range value R/W Float 8
rSensorLowerRange 4041 Sensor LRV The sensor input configuration lower range value R/W Float 8
cMeasurementMode 4042 Measure Mode The input type e.g. RTD, Ohm R/W Enum 32
cSensorTypeCode 4043 PV Input Type Sensor variant type e.g. Pt3850 R/W Enum 2048
cInputFilter 4044 Filter Sensor input filter frequency. This filter is designed to reduce the effects of mainsinduced noise. The value should be set to the frequency of the local AC supply- either 50Hz or 60Hz. R/W Enum 512
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class