Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
point 404B R/W Index 4096
KDGM_plot_point_1 4036 Profile Point1 P030 10% height - the output in percent at 10% of the non-linear profile height. R/W Float 32
KDGM_plot_point_2 4037 Profile Point2 P031 20% height - the output in percent at 20% of the non-linear profile height. R/W Float 32
KDGM_plot_point_3 4038 Profile Point3 P032 30% height - the output in percent at 30% of the non-linear profile height. R/W Float 32
KDGM_plot_point_4 4039 Profile Point4 P033 40% height - the output in percent at 40% of the non-linear profile height. R/W Float 32
KDGM_plot_point_5 403A Profile Point5 P034 50% height - the output in percent at 50% of the non-linear profile height. R/W Float 32
KDGM_plot_point_6 403B Profile Point6 P035 60% height - the output in percent at 60% of the non-linear profile height. R/W Float 32
KDGM_plot_point_7 403C Profile Point7 P036 70% height - the output in percent at 70% of the non-linear profile height. R/W Float 32
KDGM_plot_point_8 403D Profile Point8 P037 80% height - the output in percent at 80% of the non-linear profile height. R/W Float 32
KDGM_plot_point_9 403E Profile Point9 P038 90% height - the output in percent at 90% of the non-linear profile height. R/W Float 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class