Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
KDGM_plot_point_9 403E Profile Pt.9 P038 90% height - The output in percent at 90% of the non linear profile height R/W Float 32
KDGM_plot_point_10 403F Profile Pt.10 P039 100% height - The output in percent at 100% of the non linear profile height R/W Float 32
KDGM_pulse_repetition_rate 4040 Pulse Rate P041 Pulse rate - The interval between two ultrasonic pulses may be changed to avoid crosstalk between two adjacent transmitters. The typical value is 1.0 second R/W Enum 8
KDGM_echoes_needed 4041 Echoes Needed P042 Echoes needed - The number of echoes which must be returned from the same target before it is considered to be a valid target. The value is typically 4 echoes R/W Unsigned 8
KDGM_target_number_of_pulses 4042 Target Pulses P044 Target Pulses P044 No of pulses - The number of cycles in the ultrasonic burst. The typical value is 10 cycles R/W Enum 8
KDGM_target_frequency_value 402A Target Freq P045 Target frequency - If set to Automatic the transmitter selects the best frequency for the application. It can be fixed, typically in the range of 48 to 58kHz. Not all integer values are available R/W Enum 8
KDGM_temperature_max 4043 Max Temp P046 Temperature max - The maximum temperature to which the transducer has been subjected R/W Integer 2049
KDGM_temperature_min 4046 Min Temp P047 Temperature min - The minimum temperature to which the transducer has been subjected R/W Integer 2049
SM_spike_rejection 4047 Spike Reject P049 Spike Reject - Reject narrow echoes. Increasing P049 increases the width of echoes rejected. The typical value is 0 .i.e NO spike rejection R/W Unsigned 8
level_sensor_serial_number 4009 Sensor ser No P005 Sensor serial number - Usually set to the same value as the Unique ID but may be changed for site use R/W Unsigned 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class