名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
pv_upper_range_value 400E Upper Range Value Upper Range Value - P401: Upper Range Value - the PV at which the current output is 20 mA and the % output is 100%. 读/写 浮点 32
pv_lower_range_value 400F Lower Range Value Lower Range Value - P400: Lower Range Value - the PV at which the current output is 4 mA (or 0 mA) and the % output is 0%. 读/写 浮点 32
alarm_code 4010 Analog Output Alarm Type 枚举 2048
trans_func 4011 转换功能 枚举 2048
sludge_density_units 4012 Density Units 读/写 枚举 2048
sludge_density 4013 Sludge Density Sludge Density - D801: the density of the medium as determined by the system. 浮点 34
attenuation_unit 4014 Attenuation Unit 枚举 2048
attenuation_value 4015 Attenuation Attenuation - D802: the attenuation of the signal by the medium relative to the zero reference calibration point. 浮点 34
total_attenuation_unit 4016 Total Attenuation Unit 枚举 2048
total_attenuation_value 4017 Total Attenuation Total Attenuation - D803: the total attenuation of the signal by the medium and associated circuitry. 浮点 34
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类