Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Sensor_1_Type 404A Sensor Type Sensor Type - P301: The model type of the sensor - it may be a 3433 gap sensor or a 3448 pipe section sensor. R/W Enum 2048
Pin1 404B Password Password - P740: The Control Unit has a password system based on a 4-digit PIN number. The local keypad cannot be used to edit parameters if the correct PIN has not been entered. A PIN of 0000 disables this function and all editing is allowed. R/W Unsigned 2048
sensor_gap 4033 Sensor Gap Sensor Gap - P100: The size of the gap in mm between the transmit and receive crystals in the sensor. This may be used in calculating the sludge density. R/W Float 64
sludge_type 4034 Sludge Type Sludge Type - P101: The type of medium in which the density is being measured. Knowledge of the medium may be used in calculating the sludge density. R/W Enum 2048
attenuation_factor_at_1MHz 4031 Slope @Frequency A Slope @ Frequency A - P102: The attenuation of the signal by the medium at a frequency of 1MHz (or 3.7MHz) measured in units of dB/%. R/W Float 64
attenuation_factor_at_3MHz 4032 Slope @Frequency B Slope @ Frequency B - P103: The attenuation of the signal by the medium at a frequency of 3.3MHz measured in units of dB/%. R/W Float 64
sensor_dirty_threshold 403D Dirty Threshold Sensor Dirty Threshold - P642: When a zero reading is taken, if it differs from the Initial Zero reading by more than the Sensor Dirty Threshold then warning message "Check Sensor Clean" will be displayed on the LCD. A value of 0.0 disables this feature. A typical value to enable this feature is 6dB. R/W Float 64
zero_ref_at_1MHz 4025 Zero Reference Zero Reference @ Frequency A - P120: The attenuation of the signal by clear supernatant at a frequency of 1MHz (or 3.7MHz) measured in units of dB. R/W Float 8
zero_ref_at_3MHz 4026 Zero Reference Zero Reference @ Frequency B - P121: The attenuation of the signal by clear supernatant at a frequency of 3.3MHz measured in units of dB. R/W Float 8
date_of_zero_ref 4058 Date of Zero Reference Date of Zero Reference - P122: The date on which the zero reference readings were taken. R/W HartDate 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class