Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
start_time_1_3 408D Start Time 1 Start Time 1 - P253: If starting a desludge sequence based on Time of Day, this is the Time at which the sequence will start. If set to 00:00 then that start time is not used. R/W Integer 64
interval_1 4090 Interval 1 Interval 1 - P254: If starting a desludge sequence based on Time of Day, this is the Time interval at which repeats of the sequences will be initiated. If set to 00:00 then the desludge will not be repeated until the next Start Time. R/W Integer 64
interval_1_3 408F Interval 1 Interval 1 - P254: If starting a desludge sequence based on Time of Day, this is the Time interval at which repeats of the sequences will be initiated. If set to 00:00 then the desludge will not be repeated until the next Start Time. R/W Integer 64
start_time_2 4092 Start Time 2 Start Time 2 - P255: If starting a desludge sequence based on Time of Day it is possible to select two periods during the day in which the desludging sequences will be started at different intervals - this is the Time at which the second sequences will start. If set to 00:00 then the second start time is not used. R/W Integer 64
start_time_2_3 4091 Start Time 2 Start Time 2 - P255: If starting a desludge sequence based on Time of Day it is possible to select two periods during the day in which the desludging sequences will be started at different intervals - this is the Time at which the second sequences will start. If set to 00:00 then the second start time is not used. R/W Integer 64
interval_2 4094 Interval 2 Interval 2 - P256: If starting a desludge sequence based on Time of Day it is possible to select two periods during the day in which the desludging sequences will be started at different intervals - this is the Time interval at which the first of the second set of sequences will be initiated. If set to 00:00 then only the first set of sequences will be implemented. R/W Integer 64
interval_2_3 4093 Interval 2 Interval 2 - P256: If starting a desludge sequence based on Time of Day it is possible to select two periods during the day in which the desludging sequences will be started at different intervals - this is the Time interval at which the first of the second set of sequences will be initiated. If set to 00:00 then only the first set of sequences will be implemented. R/W Integer 64
maximum_retries 4047 Maximum Retries Maximum Retries - P257: If a desludge sequence is initiated but the Stop condition does not occur before the maximum time allowed has elapsed then the system will retry after the Minimum Off Time has elapsed. If the system retries more times than the Maximum Retries value then an Alarm condition may be signalled. This parameter and associated timing parameters are only editable locally on the Control Unit. R/W Unsigned 2048
relay1_mode 403E Mode 1 Relay 1 Mode - P410: The mode of operation of Relay 1. It may be assigned to Setpoint operation, Desludging or Alarm indication. Associated timing parameters are editable locally on the Control Unit. R/W Enum 1024
relay1_on_point 4040 On Point 1 Relay 1 On Point - P411: The value of PV beyond which Relay 1 contact is closed. Associated timing parameters are editable locally on the Control Unit. R/W Float 1024
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class