Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
relay_2_minimum_on_time_3 40AC Minimum On Time 2 Relay 2 Minimum On Time - P423: Once Relay 2 is energised, this parameter defines the minimum time that it will remain energised. R/W Integer 1024
relay_2_maximum_on_time 40AD Maximum On Time 2 Relay 2 Maximum On Time - P424: Once Relay 2 is energised, this parameter defines the maximum time that it will remain energised. R/W Integer 1024
relay_2_maximum_on_time_3 40AE Maximum On Time 2 Relay 2 Maximum On Time - P424: Once Relay 2 is energised, this parameter defines the maximum time that it will remain energised. R/W Integer 1024
relay2_mode 403F Mode 2 Relay 2 Mode - P420: The mode of operation of Relay 2. It may be assigned to Setpoint operation, Desludging or Alarm indication. Associated timing parameters are editable locally on the Control Unit. R/W Enum 1024
relay2_on_point 4041 On Point 2 Relay 2 On Point - P421: The value of PV beyond which Relay 2 contact is closed. Associated timing parameters are editable locally on the Control Unit. R/W Float 1024
relay2_off_point 4043 Off Point 2 Relay 2 Off Point - P422: The value of PV beyond which Relay 2 contact is open. Associated timing parameters are editable locally on the Control Unit. R/W Float 1024
alarm_action_current 4021 Alarm Current Alarm Current - P402: The value to be adopted by the Current Output when an Alarm condition is detected - the options are Low, High or Hold. R/W Enum 64
current_output_range 4022 Current Span Current Span - P403: The range of the Current Output - the options are 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA. R/W Enum 64
memory_fault_alarm 4038 Memory Fault Alarm Memory Fault Alarm Action - P560: This parameter defines which outputs are to be affected by the Memory Fault Alarm - options are Relay, Current Output, Both or None. R/W Enum 64
pv_out_of_limits 4036 PV Out of Limits PV Out of Limits Alarm Action - P540: This parameter defines which outputs are to be affected by the PV Out of Limits Alarm - options are Relay, Current Output, Both or None. R/W Enum 64
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class