Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
sensor_char_trim_actual_5 4005 P5= R/W Float 8
sensor_char_trim_point_index 407E R/W Index 4096
sensor_char_trim_point_mode 4080 Char. Trim Mode Characterization trim mode -the mode of the user charac- terization trim function. Enabled -the user character- ization trim comple- ments the sensor characterization. Disabled -only the sensor characteriza- tion is used. R/W Enum 8
sensor_char_trim_points 407D R/W Integer 8
char_and_display_mode 4088 W Integer 8
load_restore_trim 4089 W Integer 8
indic_variable_first 408E First Var.= First indication -the first of the two variables that are indicated in the local display. R/W Enum 256
indic_variable_second 408F Second Var.= Second indication -the first of the two variables that are indicated in the local display. R/W Enum 256
chg_cnt_range 4092 LRV/URV Change counter range -counts the number of changes made to the range (Lower or upper value). R Integer 2048
chg_cnt_function 4093 Function Change counter func- tion -counts the number of changes made to the transfer function. R Integer 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class