名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
CONTROLLER_TYPE 4056 PID type CONTROLLER TYPE -The type of control al- gorithm determines if proportional, in- tegral and derivati- ve contribution act on error or on the process variable 枚举 16
POWER_UP_MODE 4057 Power_On is POWER-UP MODE -The mode in which the controller will be when power once a- gain is applied af- ter a power inter- ruption 读/写 枚举 16
CONTROLLER_ACTION 4058 Output Action CONTROL ACTION -The direction of the ac- tion that the con- troller takes on the output: Direct -a decreasing PV gives a decreasing MV, Re- verse -an increasing PV gives decreasing MV 读/写 枚举 16
DEVICE_MODE 4010 Operation Mode DEVICE MODE -The op- eration mode of the device, essentially the function of the 4-20 mA output: Transmitter mode -the output responds directly to the ap- plied process. Con- troller mode -the output responds to the PID control al- gorithm. 读/写 枚举 16
SETPOINT 4016 SP SETPOINT -The con- trol target for the process variable, which is reached by the controller's ma- nipulation of the output 读/写 浮点 18
PROCESS_VARIABLE 405D PV PROCESS VARIABLE -The controlled var- iable of the con- troller. It may rep- resent measurements like level, flow and volume, indirectly obtained by convert- ing measured pres- sure by means of the transfer function. 读/写 浮点 18
MANIPULATED_VARIABLE 4015 MV MANIPULATED VARIABLE -The output of the controller in per- cent. It is limited according to the configuration of MV low limit and MV high limit. 读/写 浮点 18
SETPOINT_TRACKING_MODE 4060 SP tracking is SETPOINT TRACKING mode -The state of the setpoint track- ing: On the setpoint tracks the process variable, control must be in manual mode. Off -setpoint remains at the value adjustable by the user. 读/写 枚举 16
CONTROLLER_MODE 4061 A/M Control mode -The state of the con- troller: Automatic -MV is manipulated by the controller. Manual -MV remains at the value adjust- able by the user. 读/写 枚举 16
ERROR_PERCENT_RANGE 4017 ER% Error -The deviation between the setpoint and the process var- iable in percentage of range 浮点 18
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