Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
chg_cnt_trim_4 4094 Trim 4mA Change counter, trim 4 mA -counts the number of trims made to the 4 mA point of the output current. R Integer 2048
chg_cnt_trim_20 4095 Trim 20mA Change counter, trim 20 mA -counts the number of trims made to the 20 mA point of the output cur- rent. R Integer 2048
chg_cnt_trim_lower 4096 Trim lower Change counter, trim lower -counts the number of trims made to the lower point of the pressure in- put (lower or zero trim). R Integer 2048
chg_cnt_trim_upper 4097 Trim upper Change counter, trim upper -counts the number of trims made to the upper point of the pressure in- put. R Integer 2048
chg_cnt_mode 4098 XMTR/PID Change counter, mode -counts the number of changes made to the operation mode (transmitter / con- troller). R Integer 2048
chg_cnt_characterization 4099 Trim Char. Change counter, characterization -counts the number of trims made to the characterization of the pressure input. R Integer 2048
chg_cnt_comm 409A Write Protect Change counter, lo- cal adjustment -counts the number of times the commu- nication write pro- tection has been changed R Integer 2048
chg_cnt_multidrop 409B Multidrop Change counter, multidrop -counts the number of changes made to the communication mode (multidrop / single unit). R Integer 2064
chg_cnt_password 409C Pswd/C.Level Change counter, password -counts the number of changes made to the pass- words or password configuration levels R Integer 2048
chg_cnt_total 409D Totalization Change counter, to- tal -counts the num- ber of changes made to the totalizer configuration, or resets; manual or power-off. R Integer 2064
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class