Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
dielectric_liquid 407B Product Dielectric This is the product dielectric for level measurements and upper product dielectric for interface measurements. R/W Float 32
meas_mode 4134 Measurement Mode Measurement Mode R/W Enum 2048
maxIntThicknessUnit 40A8 Max Up Prod Tkn Units Units in which upper product thickness is measured. R/W Enum 32
maxIntThickness 407D Max Up Prod Tkn Max upper product thickness R/W Float 32
unit2 40A9 Offset Units Units in which Distance Offset is measured. R/W Enum 32
distance_offset 40AA Calibr Offset Offset Value added to distance R/W Float 32
probe_type 4079 Probe Type Type of Probe R/W Enum 2048
lvl_below_probe_end 413E Show lvl=0 if lvl is below probe end Shows product level (or interface level) as 0 when level is below the probe end. R/W Enum 2048
xmtr_specific_resp_code 4003 R/W Unsigned 2048
threshold1 40AB T-hold1 Threshold fiducial pulse R/W Float 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class