Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
analog_saturation_upper 4088 High Saturation Upper alarm saturation current R Float 32
analog_saturation_lower 4089 Low Saturation Lower alarm current R Float 32
upper_null_zone 4061 Upper Null Zone Upper null zone -- Level above which the 3300 ignores radar reflections. R/W Float 32
lower_null_zone 4062 Lower Null Zone Lower null zone -- Level below which the 3300 ignores radar reflections. R/W Float 32
rws_numbervoltbits 40CD Number volt bits Number volt bits R Unsigned 32
rws_voltspercount 40CE Volt per count Volt per count R/W Float 32
rws_samples 40CF Samples Samples R Unsigned 32
rws_rangepercount1 40D0 Range per count Range per count R/W Float 32
rws_rangepercount2 40D1 Range per count Range per count R/W Float 32
dielectric_vapor 407A Vapor Dielectric Dielectric of Vapor R/W Float 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class