Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
operatingMode 0870 Operate mode 1 Field Device Specific Operating Mode 1- A possible mode of operation in Field Device R Enum 2049
loop_current_mode 0808 Loop current mode Loop Current Mode- Indicates whether the loop current is active or fixed (i.e., the device is in multi-drop). R/W Enum 64
device_flags 00A0 Dev flags Field Device Flags- Describes special features of the Field Device that affect the Data Link Layer R BitEnum 2048
extended_fld_device_status 0807 Ext dev status Extended Field Device Status- This provides additional Device Status information R BitEnum 131
device_profile 00FF Device Profile R Enum 2048
standardized_status_0 0104 Device Diagnostic Status 0 R BitEnum 131
standardized_status_1 0105 Device Diagnostic Status 1 R BitEnum 131
standardized_status_2 0106 I/O and Subdevice Status R BitEnum 131
standardized_status_3 0107 WirelessHART Status R BitEnum 131
analog_channel_saturated1 103D AO saturated Field Device Specific Dynamic Variable Analog Output Saturated- Data that indicates which of the Analog Outputs are, or are not, saturated. The analog and digital Analog Outputs for the Dynamic Variable are beyond their limits and no longer represent the true applied process. R BitEnum 2051
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class