Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
alarm_integer 40F5 Alrm num This parameter is the number of the alarm. For example, 26 for alarm A26 and 42 for alarm A102. R/W Unsigned 4096
alarm_severity 40F6 Alarm Severity Assigns a severity level to the currently selected alarm. R/W Enum 4096
Alarm_Status 40F8 Alarm Status R Enum 4096
varCount 40F9 Count R Unsigned 4096
Last_Posted 40FA Last Posted R Unsigned 4096
Last_Cleared 40FB Last Cleared R Unsigned 4096
discrete_action_code 40FD Discrete Action Selects an action to be assigned to a discrete. R/W Enum 4096
discrete_assignment_code 40FE Discrete Assignment Assigns a discrete to an action. Select none for no discrete assignment. R/W Enum 4096
pc_index 4101 Discrete Event num R/W Index 4096
pc1_setpointA 44A3 Setpoint A The first programmable value of a process variable in which the Discrete Events compares with. R/W Float 16
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class