Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
fcf | 4020 | Flow FCF | A 10-character factor that describes the sensitivity of the sensor to mass flow. The first 6 characters are the flow rate, in grams/second, per microsecond of time shift between velocity signals from the sensor. The 2nd four characters are the flow temperature coefficient. | R/W | ASCII | 32 |
ma_1_cutoff | 4645 | mA Output Flow Rate Cutoff | The mass or volume flow rate below which a milliamp output representing flow indicates zero flow. | R/W | Float | 8 |
ma_2_cutoff | 4687 | SV AO cutoff | The mass or volume flow rate below which a milliamp output representing flow indicates zero flow. | R/W | Float | 8 |
sp_volume | 4033 | Base Volume Unit | A standard engineering unit that serves as the volume component in a special unit. | R/W | Enum | 32 |
sp_volume_time | 4034 | Base Volume Time | A standard unit of time (seconds, minutes, hours, or days) that serves as the time component in a special unit. | R/W | Enum | 32 |
sp_volume_fact | 4035 | Conversion Factor | A programmable divider for the base volume unit in a special unit. | R/W | Float | 32 |
sp_volume_rate_text | 4036 | Flow Label | A 1 to 8 character description of a special unit of flow. | R/W | ASCII | 2048 |
sp_volume_total_text | 4037 | Total Label | A 1 to 8 character description of a special unit of volume, which is based on the special unit of flow to represent total. | R/W | ASCII | 2048 |
fixfreq | 403A | 固定周波数 | A value (in Hertz) that will be indicated on the frequency output for the purpose of a loop test. | R/W | Float | 4096 |
totctl | 4043 | 積算計コントロール | Allows the user to Reset, Stop, or Start all totalizers. NOTE - Inventory totals are NOT reset. | R/W | Enum | 4096 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |