Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
pv_disp11 40E0 Position 11 This parameter allows you to select the process variables that will appear on the display. Up to 15 process variables can be configured to appear on the display. They can be accessed by using the scroll button. R/W Enum 256
pv_disp12 40E1 Position 12 This parameter allows you to select the process variables that will appear on the display. Up to 15 process variables can be configured to appear on the display. They can be accessed by using the scroll button. R/W Enum 256
pv_disp13 40E2 Position 13 This parameter allows you to select the process variables that will appear on the display. Up to 15 process variables can be configured to appear on the display. They can be accessed by using the scroll button. R/W Enum 256
pv_disp14 40E3 Position 14 This parameter allows you to select the process variables that will appear on the display. Up to 15 process variables can be configured to appear on the display. They can be accessed by using the scroll button. R/W Enum 256
pv_disp15 40E4 Position 15 This parameter allows you to select the process variables that will appear on the display. Up to 15 process variables can be configured to appear on the display. They can be accessed by using the scroll button. R/W Enum 256
tot_startstop_enable 40E5 Start/Stop Totalizers Enable or disable the ability to start and stop the totalizers from the local display. R/W Enum 256
Update_Period 40E6 Update Period (100-10,000) The period in which the process variables on the local display are updated. (in msec) R/W Unsigned 256
Backlight_Control 40E7 Control The state of the backlight on the local display. R/W Enum 256
Backlight_Intensity 40E8 Intensity (0-63) The amount of intensity of the backlight on the local display. Range is 0 to 63 where 0 is off and 63 is full on. R/W Unsigned 256
sens_type_code 400D Type This parameter indicates which type of sensor is being used for process measurement. R/W Enum 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class