Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Conc_msmt_mode 4157 Derived Variable R/W Enum 32
ED_enable_temp_high_expo 4174 Enable Temperature High Extrapolation Limit R/W Enum 32
ED_enable_dens_low_expo 4171 Enable Density Low Extrapolation Limit R/W Enum 32
ED_enable_dens_high_expo 4172 Enable Density High Extrapolation Limit R/W Enum 32
ED_enable_temp_low_expo 4173 Enable Temperature Low Extrapolation Limit R/W Enum 32
ED_1_refTemp 45C7 Reference Temperature The reference temperature of the fluid R/W Float 32
ED_1_sgWaterRefTemp 45C8 Water Reference Temperature Water Reference Temperature R/W Float 32
ED_1_slopeTrim 45F9 Slope Trim Slope R/W Float 32
ED_1_slopeOffset 45FA Offset Trim Offset R/W Float 32
ED_1_extrapAlarmLimit 45C6 Extrapolation Alarm Limit Extrapolation Alarm Limit R/W Float 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class