Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
vol_flow_analog_value_1 4071 Volume Flow mA Value R/W Float 66
vol_flow_additional_analog_damping_1 4072 Added Damping mA output Added Damping Value- Damping time constant applied the mA output. The units of this variable are always in seconds. R/W Float 32
vol_flow_percent_range_1 4073 Secondary Variable Percent Range Percent of Range- Variable that tracks the Digital Value representation with respect to the range defined by the Lower Range Value and Upper Range Value, for normal operating modes. The units of this variable are always in percent. R Float 34
vol_flow_upper_range_value_1 4074 Volume Flow Upper Range Value Upper Range Value- Defines the operational endpoint from which the Analog Value, and the 100% point of the Percent Range are derived. In addition, the Upper Range Value defines an operational endpoint which the alarms associated with the Analog Value, and the alarms associated with the Digital Value representation are derived. R/W Float 32
vol_flow_lower_range_value_1 4075 Volume Flow Lower Range Value Lower Range Value- Defines the operational endpoint from which the Analog Value, and the 0% point of the Percent Range are derived. In addition, the Lower Range Value defines an operational endpoint which the alarms associated with the Analog Value, and the alarms associated with the Digital Value representation are derived. R/W Float 32
vol_flow_upper_sensor_limit 4068 Volume Flow Upper Sensor Limit Upper Sensor Limit Value- Defines the maximum usable value for the Upper Range Value. R Float 8
vol_flow_lower_sensor_limit 4076 Volume Flow Lower Sensor Limit Lower Sensor Limit Value- Defines the minimum usable value for the Lower Range Value. R Float 8
vol_flow_minimum_span 4077 Volume Flow Minimum Span Minimum Span Value- Defines the smallest allowable difference between the Upper Range Value and the Lower Range Value. R Float 8
vol_flow_hzfreq 4078 Frequency Factor The number of cycles, in Hertz, that equal a proportional flow rate represented by the frequency/pulse output. R/W Float 512
vol_flow_hzrate 4079 Rate Factor The flow rate that equals a set frequency if the frequency output represents mass or volume flow; or the mass or volume total that equals a set number of pulses if the frequency output represents mass or volume total. R/W Float 512
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class