Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Precision_21 465D Concentration Number of decimal points to be displayed for the value R/W Unsigned 2048
Precision_22 4EEA Temperature-Corrected Volume Total (Concentration) Number of decimal points to be displayed for the value R/W Unsigned 2048
Precision_23 4EEB Temperature-Corrected Volume Inventory (Concentration) Number of decimal points to be displayed for the value R/W Unsigned 2048
Precision_24 4EEC Net Mass Total (Concentration) Number of decimal points to be displayed for the value R/W Unsigned 2048
Precision_25 4EED Net Mass Inventory (Concentration) Number of decimal points to be displayed for the value R/W Unsigned 2048
Precision_26 4EEE Плотность при опорной температуре Number of decimal points to be displayed for the value R/W Unsigned 2048
Precision_27 4EEF Объемный расход при контрольной температуре Number of decimal points to be displayed for the value R/W Unsigned 2048
Precision_28 4EF0 Среднее измеренное значение плотности Number of decimal points to be displayed for the value R/W Unsigned 2048
Precision_29 4EF1 Средняя наблюдаемая температура Number of decimal points to be displayed for the value R/W Unsigned 2048
Precision_30 4EF2 CTL Number of decimal points to be displayed for the value R/W Unsigned 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class