Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
sp_mass 411E Базовый блок A standard engineering unit that serves as the mass component in a special unit. R/W Enum 32
sp_mass_time 411F Базовое время A standard unit of time (seconds, minutes, hours, or days) that serves as the time component in a special unit. R/W Enum 32
sp_mass_fact 4120 Conversion Factor A programmable divider for the base mass unit in a special unit. R/W Float 32
sp_mass_rate_text 4121 Flow Label A 1 to 8 character description of a special unit of flow. R/W ASCII 2048
sp_mass_total_text 4122 Total Label A 1 to 8 character description of a special unit of mass, which is based on the special unit of flow to represent total. R/W ASCII 2048
sp_volume 4123 Базовый блок A standard engineering unit that serves as the volume component in a special unit. R/W Enum 32
sp_volume_time 4124 Базовое время A standard unit of time (seconds, minutes, hours, or days) that serves as the time component in a special unit. R/W Enum 32
sp_volume_fact 4125 Conversion Factor A programmable divider for the base volume unit in a special unit. R/W Float 32
sp_volume_rate_text 4126 Flow Label A 1 to 8 character description of a special unit of flow. R/W ASCII 2048
sp_volume_total_text 4127 Total Label A 1 to 8 character description of a special unit of volume, which is based on the special unit of flow to represent total. R/W ASCII 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class