Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
varGas_Standard_Volume_Flow_Unit 4495 Gas Vol flo unit R/W Enum 2048
varGas_Standard_Volume_Total_and_Inventory_Unit 4496 Gas Vol flo tot inv unit R Enum 2048
varSpecial_Units_Base_Volume_Flow_Units_Code 4497 Base vol unit R/W Enum 2048
varSpecial_Units_Base_Volume_Time_Units_Code 4498 Base vol time R/W Enum 0
varSpecial_Units_Conversion_Number 4499 Gas Vol flo conv factr R/W Float 2048
varSpecial_Units_Vol_Flow_String 449A Gas Vol flo text R/W ASCII 2048
varSpecial_Units_Vol_Total_String 449B Gas Vol totl text R/W ASCII 2048
varGas_Standard_Volume_Cutoff 449C Gas Vol flo Cutoff R/W Float 2048
varEnable_Simulation_Mode 449D Simulation Mode The state of the overall simulation mode R/W Enum 2048
varMass_Flow_Simulation_Mode 449E Mass Flow Simulation Mode The type of Mass Flow Simulation R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class