Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Status_Change_43 4424 Status Change The change in the status R Enum 2048
Status_Change_44 4425 Status Change The change in the status R Enum 2048
Status_Change_45 4426 Status Change The change in the status R Enum 2048
Status_Change_46 4427 Status Change The change in the status R Enum 2048
Status_Change_47 4428 Status Change The change in the status R Enum 2048
Status_Change_48 4429 Status Change The change in the status R Enum 2048
Status_Change_49 442A Status Change The change in the status R Enum 2048
Timestamp_of_status_change_0 442C Timestamp of status change Time is measured in terms of time elapsed since trasmitter has been switched on first time. R Unsigned 2048
Timestamp_of_status_change_1 442D Timestamp of status change Time is measured in terms of time elapsed since trasmitter has been switched on first time. R Unsigned 2048
Timestamp_of_status_change_2 442E Timestamp of status change Time is measured in terms of time elapsed since trasmitter has been switched on first time. R Unsigned 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class