Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
batch_preset_number 4200 Current Preset The active batch preset. The Preset must be enabled before selecting it. R/W Enum 32
batch_flow_source 4201 Batch Flow Source Assigns which flow source to use for the batch. R/W Enum 32
batch_en_reset_on_start 4202 Reset on Start Enabling this parameter will cause the batch to reset when started. R/W Enum 32
batch_en_count_up 4203 Counting Up Enabling this parameter will cause the batch to count up instead of down. R/W Enum 32
batch_en_ignore_alarms 4204 Ignore Alarms Enabling this parameter will cause the batcher to ignore alarms. R/W Enum 32
batch_alarm_to 4205 Alarm Timeout A programmable time period, from 1.00 to 20.00 minutes, during which the source alarms will be ignored if ignore alarms is enabled. R/W Float 32
batch_to 4206 Batch Timeout A programmable time period, from 0.00 to 300.00 seconds, during which no flow is allowed before an alarm is posted and the batch is ended. R/W Float 32
bat_preset_index 4229 Batch Preset Num R/W Index 4096
bat_preset1_enable 4208 Enabled Whether the selected preset is enabled or disabled. R/W Enum 32
bat_preset1_target 420A Target The batch target for the selected preset. R/W Float 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class