Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
software_revision 009E Software rev Field Device Software Revision- This revision corresponds to the software or firmware, that is embedded in the Field Device R Unsigned 2048
hardware_revision 009F Hardware rev Revisión del hardware: Revisión que corresponde al hardware electrónico del dispositivo de campo. R Unsigned 2048
physical_signaling_code 00AB Physicl signl code Physical Signaling Code- The Physical Signaling Code describes the type of Physical Layer that has been implemented in the hardware that is responsible for the HART Communication port R Enum 2048
device_flags 00A0 Dev flags Field Device Flags- Describes special features of the Field Device that affect the Data Link Layer R BitEnum 128
device_id 00A1 Dev id Field Device Identification- Uniquely identifies the Field Device when combined with the Manufacturer Identification and Device Type. Therefore, this variable cannot be modified by the Host user. R Unsigned 128
polling_address 00A2 Poll addr Polling Address- Address used by the Host to identify a Field Device, and changeable by the User to control: the Multidrop Mode for Analog Output 1), and the Analog Output Fixed Mode of Analog Output 1) W Unsigned 128
tag 00A3 Tag Etiqueta: Texto asociado a la instalación del dispositivo de campo. El usuario puede usar este texto de cualquier manera. Un uso recomendado es como etiqueta única para una planta que se correlaciona con la etiqueta de dispositivo de campo: esquema de planta, o en un sistema de control. Esta variable también se usa como tipo de dirección de la capa de enlace de datos. R/W PackedAscii 2048
message 00A4 Mensaje Mensaje: Texto asociado al dispositivo de campo. El usuario puede usar este texto de cualquier manera. No hay ningún uso recomendado. R/W PackedAscii 2048
descriptor 00A5 Descriptor Descriptor- Text that is associated with the Field Device. This text can be used by the user in any way. There is no specific recommended use. R/W PackedAscii 2048
date 00A6 Fecha Date- Gregorian calendar date, entered as mm/dd/yy, that is stored in the Field Device. This is not a real-time date and can be used by the user in any way. There is no specific recommended use. R/W HartDate 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class