Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
masstotalStatus 4D3B Mass Total Family Status Device Family Status- Indicates additional status information on a device variable for a specific device family. R BitEnum 10
masstotalUpdatePeriod 4D3C Mass Total Update Period R Time 0
dens_digital_units 404A Density Unit Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit. R/W Enum 32
dens_digital_value 404B Density R Float 10
dens_digital_cutoff 41F9 Density Cutoff The density below which the density indicates zero. R/W Float 8
dens_upper_sensor_limit 404C Density Upper Sensor Limit R Float 8
dens_digital_damping 4059 Density Damping Damping Value- Damping time constant applied to both the Digital Value representation and Analog Value of the respective Analog Output. The units of this variable are always in seconds. R/W Float 32
dens_lower_sensor_limit 405A Density Lower Sensor Limit Lower Sensor Limit Value- Defines the minimum usable value for the Lower Range Value. R Float 8
dens_minimum_span 405B Density Minimum Span Minimum Span Value- Defines the smallest allowable difference between the Upper Range Value and the Lower Range Value. R Float 8
densityClassificationCode 4D3D Density Classification Classification- Indicates the unit code expansion table used for a particular dynamic or device variable. R Enum 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class