Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
analog_channel_number_code | 105D | Analog Channel Number | Analog Channel Number- Index into an array of Analog Channels. | R/W | Index | 4096 |
STX_count | 11DA | STX Count | Count of STX messages received by this device | R | Unsigned | 130 |
ACK_count | 11DB | ACK Count | Count of ACK messages received by this device | R | Unsigned | 130 |
BACK_count | 11DC | BACK Count | Count of BACK messages received by this device | R | Unsigned | 130 |
burst_command_number | 0FFD | Option | Burst Option- Selects the variable(s) that will be Bursted if Burst Mode is enabled. | R/W | Enum | 128 |
update_period | 12BE | Update Rate | Update period for burst message | R/W | Time | 2048 |
max_update_period | 12BF | Default Update Rate | Maxium update period for burst message | R/W | Time | 2048 |
burst_variable_code | 1263 | Burst Variable 1 | Burst Variable Slot - Device variable code assigned to the slot to be read in burst mode. | R/W | Index | 128 |
trigger_level | 1268 | Trigger Level | R/W | Float | 2048 | |
time_of_first_unack_event | 12C2 | Time First Unack Event Triggered | The time when the first unacknowledged event was triggered | R | Time | 2052 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |