Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ao_1_fault_code 40CA Действие при сбое Downscale: Milliamp outputs that indicate flow go to the configured limit, the frequency output equals 0 Hz. Upscale: Milliamp and frequency outputs go to the configured limit. Internal zero: Flow outputs indicate zero flow. R/W Enum 12
ao_2_fault_code 40CE Действие при сбое Downscale: Milliamp outputs that indicate flow go to the configured limit, the frequency output equals 0 Hz. Upscale: Milliamp and frequency outputs go to the configured limit. Internal zero: Flow outputs indicate zero flow. R/W Enum 12
fo_fault_code 40D0 Действие при сбое Downscale: Milliamp outputs that indicate flow go to the configured limit, the frequency output equals 0 Hz. Upscale: Milliamp and frequency outputs go to the configured limit. Internal zero: Flow outputs indicate zero flow. R/W Enum 12
dig_comm_fault_code 40D2 Действие при сбое This fault setting applies to Modbus on RS485 and the display. Downscale: Hold process variables at values that are less than the Lower Sensor Limits and stop totalizing. Upscale: Hold process variables at values that are greater than the Upper Sensor Limits and stop totalizing. Not-a-Number: Set all process variables to IEEE NaN. IntZero-All 0: Set all process variables to 0. IntZero-Flow 0: Set flow rate to 0. None: Process variables displayed as measured (NOTE: Use alternative method to detect fault conditions when NONE is selected) R/W Enum 12
ao_1_fault_level 40CC Уровень ошибки This parameter allows you to select the lower or upper mA output level that will indicate a fault condition. The range is 1.0 to 3.6 mA for downscale or 21.0 to 24.0 for upscale. R/W Float 64
ao_2_fault_level 40CF Уровень ошибки This parameter allows you to select the lower or upper mA output level that will indicate a fault condition. The range is 1.0 to 3.6 mA for downscale or 21.0 to 24.0 for upscale. R/W Float 64
fo_fault_level 40D1 Уровень ошибки This parameter allows you to select the upper frequency output level that will indicate a fault condition. The maximum value is 15000 Hz. R/W Float 64
density_for_cal 40D3 R/W Float 4096
point_code 40D4 R/W Unsigned 4096
densityfd_for_cal 40D5 R/W Float 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class