Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
sens_type_code 40AE Type This parameter indicates which type of sensor is being used for process measurement. R/W Enum 8
output_opt_brd 411B Option Board This parameter represents the various types of output option boards that are available. R Enum 2048
poll_ctrl_1 411C Poll Control A variable that represents how process variables are brought into the transmitter for the purpose of performing a pressure compensation or other calculations. R/W Enum 128
poll_ctrl_2 411E Poll Control 2 A variable that represents how process variables are brought into the transmitter for the purpose of performing a pressure compensation or other calculations. R/W Enum 128
xmtr_tag_1 411F External Device Tag 1 This represents the tagname for the device(s) being polled for a process variable used internally for some compensation (e.g. pressure comp). R/W PackedAscii 128
xmtr_tag_2 4120 External Device Tag 2 This represents the tagname for the device(s) being polled for a process variable used internally for some compensation (e.g. pressure comp). R/W PackedAscii 128
poll_var_1 4121 Polled Variable 1 This represents the variable code which will be read via HART for the compensation. R/W Enum 128
poll_var_2 4122 Polled Variable 2 This represents the variable code which will be read via HART for the compensation. R/W Enum 128
poll_type_code 411D Polling Type This parameter identifies which compensation algorithms will be enabled within the device based on the polling being done. R/W Enum 128
update_rate 4123 Update Rate This parameter is the update rate for process variables through the system. Set the update rate to NORMAL for most applications. Set the update rate to SPECIAL if you are using the device in proving applications or extremely short batch applications. Refer to the user's manual for more information before you change this parameter. R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class