名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
totctl 40B6 累加器控制 Allows the user to Reset, Stop, or Start all totalizers. NOTE - Inventory totals are NOT reset. 读/写 枚举 4096
fo_scaling_method 4022 Frequency Output Scaling Method This parameter allows you to scale the frequency output by using freq=flow, pulses/unit, or units/pulse. This parameter must be sent to the device before you make scaling changes. 读/写 枚举 512
fo_polarity 41FB Frequency Output Polarity This parameter allows you to set the polarity of the frequency output. 读/写 枚举 512
dens_tgco 40B8 DTG This parameter represents the Density Temperature Gradient Coefficient (DTG) that is on the T-series sensor tag. 读/写 浮点 8
dens_fqco1 40B9 DFQ1 This parameter represents the Density Frequency Coefficient #1 (DFQ1) that is on the T-series sensor tag. 读/写 浮点 8
dens_fqco2 40BA DFQ2 This parameter represents the Density Frequency Coefficient #2 (DFQ2) that is on the T-series sensor tag. 读/写 浮点 8
flow_tgco 40BB FTG This parameter represents the Flow Temperature Gradient Coefficient (FTG) that is on the T-series sensor tag. 读/写 浮点 8
flow_fqco 40BC FFQ This parameter represents the Flow Frequency Coefficient (FFQ) that is on the T-series sensor tag. 读/写 浮点 8
max_zero 40BD Zero Time The amount of time the transmitter takes to determine its zero-flow reference point. The default zero time is 20 seconds. 读/写 无符号 12
pulse_width 40BE Maximum Pulse Width A programmable time period, in seconds, that defines the crossover frequency for the frequency output, where Crossover freq. = 1 / (2 x Pulse width). Below the crossover, the output has a constant ON state, and an OFF state that varies with frequency. 读/写 浮点 512
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类