Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Backlight_Control 43F4 Control The state of the backlight on the local display. R/W Enum 256
Backlight_Intensity 43F5 Intensity (0-63) The amount of intensity of the backlight on the local display. Range is 0 to 63 where 0 is off and 63 is full on. R/W Unsigned 256
Language 43F6 Language Current display language R/W Enum 256
LED_blinking_enable 43F7 Status LED Blinking LED Blinking Enable/Disable R/W Enum 256
Alarm_screen_password_enable 43F8 Alert Menu Passcode Required Alarm screen password Enable/Disable R/W Enum 256
ETO_number 43F9 Engineer to Order Number Engineered to Order (ETO) number for the transmitter R Unsigned 2048
World_area_weights_measures_security 43FA Custody Transfer Approval Displays World Area for Weights and Measures Security R Enum 2048
ETO_number_core_processor 43FB Core Processor Engineer to Order Number Engineered to Order (ETO) number for core processor R Unsigned 2048
gas_vol_flow_digital_value 43FD Flow Rate R Float 10
gas_vol_flow_analog_value 43FF Gas Vol flo R/W Float 66
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class