Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
FRF_RpoFilt_std_error 45C4 R Float 2
FRF_ToneLevel 45D2 R/W Float 0
FRF_ToneRampTime 45D3 R/W Float 0
FRF_BlCoeff 45D4 R/W Float 0
FRF_DriveTarget 45D5 R/W Float 0
FRF_DrivePCoeff 45D6 R/W Float 0
FRF_MV_FirstRun_Time 45D7 Stunden bis zum nächsten Lauf The number hours until the next time meter verification runs. R/W Float 2
FRF_MV_Recur_Time 45D8 Hours Between Recurring Runs (0=Schedule is not Repeating) The number of hours between successive meter verification runs. Valid range is 1 to 1000 hours or 0 for no recurring schedule. R/W Float 2
FRF_ToneSpacingMult 45D9 R/W Float 0
FRF_Freq_DriftLimit 45DA R/W Float 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class