Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
current_RPO_mass_mean 43CB Current RPO Mass (Mean) Current RPO mass mean value R/W Float 2
current_LPO_mass_std_dev 43CC Current LPO Mass (Std Dev) Current LPO mass standard deviation value R/W Float 2
current_RPO_mass_std_dev 43CD Current RPO Mass (Std Dev) Current RPO mass standard deviation value R/W Float 2
current_LPO_stiffness_std_dev 43CE Current LPO Stiffness (Std Dev) Current LPO stiffness Standard Deviation value R/W Float 2
current_RPO_stiffness_std_dev 43CF Current RPO Stiffness (Std Dev) Current RPO stiffness standard deviation value R/W Float 2
current_damping_std_dev 43D0 Current Damping (Std Dev) Current damping standard deviation value R/W Float 2
LPO_stiffness_fact_cali_air_mean 43D1 LPO Stiffness (Mean), Fact. Calib of Air LPO stiffness mean value for factory calibration of air R/W Float 2
RPO_stiffness_fact_cali_air_mean 43D2 RPO Stiffness (Mean), Fact. Calib of Air RPO stiffness mean value for factory calibration of air R/W Float 2
damping_fact_cali_air_mean 43D3 Damping (Mean), Fact. Calib of Air Damping mean value for factory calibration of air R/W Float 2
LPO_mass_fact_cali_air_mean 43D4 LPO Mass, Fact. Calib of Air LPO mass mean value for factory calibration of air R/W Float 2
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class