Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
alarm_menu 40C6 Alert Menu When this parameter is enabled, you can use the display to acknowledge and view the specific alarm conditions that are present. When this parameter is disabled, all alarms will be automatically acknowledged without user intervention. R/W Enum 256
ack_all 40C7 Acknowledge All Alerts When this parameter is enabled, an option in the alarm menu allows you to acknowledge all of the alarms at once. R/W Enum 256
offline_password 40C8 Offline Menu Passcode Required When this parameter is enabled you must enter a password to gain access to the offline menu. R/W Enum 256
off_password_val 40C9 Passcode (4 Digits) This parameter defines the password that you must enter to gain access to the offline menu. The valid range is 0 to 9999. R/W Unsigned 256
pv_disp1 40CA Position 1 This parameter allows you to select the process variables that will appear on the display. Up to 15 process variables can be configured to appear on the display. They can be accessed by using the scroll button. R/W Enum 256
pv_disp2 40CB Position 2 This parameter allows you to select the process variables that will appear on the display. Up to 15 process variables can be configured to appear on the display. They can be accessed by using the scroll button. R/W Enum 256
pv_disp3 40CC Position 3 This parameter allows you to select the process variables that will appear on the display. Up to 15 process variables can be configured to appear on the display. They can be accessed by using the scroll button. R/W Enum 256
pv_disp4 40CD Position 4 This parameter allows you to select the process variables that will appear on the display. Up to 15 process variables can be configured to appear on the display. They can be accessed by using the scroll button. R/W Enum 256
pv_disp5 40CE Position 5 This parameter allows you to select the process variables that will appear on the display. Up to 15 process variables can be configured to appear on the display. They can be accessed by using the scroll button. R/W Enum 256
pv_disp6 40CF Position 6 This parameter allows you to select the process variables that will appear on the display. Up to 15 process variables can be configured to appear on the display. They can be accessed by using the scroll button. R/W Enum 256
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class