名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 访问 | 分类 |
rs485_baudrate | 40DA | Baud Rate | This parameter defines the baud rate for the protocol that will be used on the RS485 physical layer. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 2048 |
rs485_parity | 40DB | Parity | This parameter defines the parity for the protocol that will be used on the RS485 physical layer. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 2048 |
rs485_stop | 40DC | Stop Bits | This parameter defines the number of stop bits for the protocol that will be used on the RS485 physical layer. | 读/写 | 无符号 | 2048 |
modbus_address | 4201 | Modbus Slave Address | This parameter defines the Modbus slave address. Addresses 1-15,32-47,64-79, or 96-110 are allowed | 读/写 | 无符号 | 2048 |
api_ctl_table_type | 41DE | 2540 CTL Table Type | This parameter allows you to select the 2540 CTL Table Type for API. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 2048 |
api_thermal_exp_coeff | 41DF | Thermal Expansion Coefficient | This parameter allows you to select the Thermal Expansion Coefficient API. The units are the inverse of the temperature user units. | 读/写 | 浮点 | 8 |
api_ref_temp | 41E0 | Reference Temperature | This parameter allows you to select the Reference Termperature for API. The units must be the same as the temperature user units. | 读/写 | 浮点 | 8 |
api_ctl | 41DA | CTL | This parameter displays the Correction of Temperature on a Liquid. | 读 | 浮点 | 10 |
enable_api | 41E1 | Enable API | This parameter allows you to enable/disable the api feature | 读/写 | 枚举 | 8 |
sens_type_code | 4070 | Type | This parameter indicates which type of sensor is being used for process measurement. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 8 |
名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 访问 | 分类 |