Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
api_thermal_exp_coeff 41DF API Thermal Expansion Coefficient This parameter allows you to select the Thermal Expansion Coefficient API. The units are the inverse of the temperature user units. R/W Float 8
api_ref_temp 41E0 API Reference Temperature This parameter allows you to select the Reference Termperature for API. The units must be the same as the temperature user units. R/W Float 8
api_ctl 41DA CTL This parameter displays the Correction of Temperature on a Liquid. R Float 2
enable_api 41E1 Enable API This parameter allows you to enable/disable the api feature R/W Enum 8
enable_pres_comp 41D2 Enable Pressure Comp This parameter allows you to enable/disable the pressure correction feature R/W Enum 8
static_pressure 41D3 Static Pressure This parameter allows you to enter a static pressure when using the pressure correction feature R/W Float 8
enable_extern_temp 41E4 Enable Ext Temp This parameter allows you to enable/disable the external temperature feature R/W Enum 8
static_temperature 41E5 Static Temperature This parameter allows you to enter a static temperature when using the external temperature feature R/W Float 8
do1_state 41CD DO is This parameter identifies the state of the discrete output. R/W Enum 1024
dens_digital_cutoff 41CF Dens Cutoff The density below which the density indicates zero. R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class