Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
serial_number 4008 Snsr s/n Sensor Serial Number- Uniquely identifies the sensor from which the Digital Value representation or Field Device variable is primarily derived. R/W Unsigned 2048
met_direct 4009 Flo direction This paramater enables the user to determine whether the outputs and totalizers will indicate forward, reverse, bi-directional or absolute value flow. R/W Enum 32
output_opt_brd 400A Output Opt. Brd. This parameter represents the various types of output option boards that are available. R Enum 2048
totctl 400B Totlizer cntrl Allows the user to Reset, Stop, or Start all totalizers. NOTE - Inventory totals are NOT reset. R/W Enum 4096
mass_flow_digital_units 400C Mass flo unit Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit. R/W Enum 32
mass_flow_digital_value 400E Mass flo R Float 10
mass_flow_digital_cutoff 4010 Mass flo cutoff The mass flow rate below which the frequency/pulse output indicates zero flow, and below which totalizers stop counting. R/W Float 8
mass_flow_analog_value 4011 Mass flo anlog valu R/W Float 66
mass_flow_analog_value_1 4012 Mass flo anlog valu R/W Float 66
mass_flow_analog_upper_limit 4013 Anlog upr limit Analog Output Upper Endpoint Value- Defines the upper endpoint, of the respective Analog Output, for normal operating conditions R Float 64
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class