Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
sp_volume 4088 Base vol unit A standard engineering unit that serves as the volume component in a special unit. R/W Enum 32
sp_volume_time 4089 Base vol time A standard unit of time (seconds, minutes, hours, or days) that serves as the time component in a special unit. R/W Enum 32
sp_volume_fact 408A Vol flo conv factr A programmable multiplier for the base volume unit in a special unit. R/W Float 32
sp_volume_rate_text 408B Vol flo text A 1 to 8 character description of a special unit of flow. R/W ASCII 2048
sp_volume_total_text 408C Vol totl text A 1 to 8 character description of a special unit of volume, which is based on the special unit of flow to represent total. R/W ASCII 2048
fixfreq 408D Fixed freq A value (in Hertz) that will be indicated on the frequency output for the purpose of a loop test. R/W Float 4096
totctl 408E Totlizer cntrl Allows the user to Reset, Stop, or Start all totalizers. NOTE - Inventory totals are NOT reset. R/W Enum 4096
fo_scaling_method 4019 FO Scale Method This parameter allows you to scale the frequency output by using freq=flow, pulses/unit, or units/pulse. This parameter must be sent to the device before you make scaling changes. R/W Enum 512
fo_polarity 41BB Polarity This parameter allows you to set the polarity of the frequency output. R/W Enum 512
dens_tgco 4090 DTG This parameter represents the Density Temperature Gradient Coefficient (DTG) that is on the T-series sensor tag. R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class