名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
pv_disp12 40D1 变量 12 This parameter allows you to select the process variables that will appear on the display. Up to 15 process variables can be configured to appear on the display. They can be accessed by using the scroll button. 读/写 枚举 256
pv_disp13 40D2 变量 13 This parameter allows you to select the process variables that will appear on the display. Up to 15 process variables can be configured to appear on the display. They can be accessed by using the scroll button. 读/写 枚举 256
pv_disp14 40D3 变量 14 This parameter allows you to select the process variables that will appear on the display. Up to 15 process variables can be configured to appear on the display. They can be accessed by using the scroll button. 读/写 枚举 256
pv_disp15 40D4 变量 15 This parameter allows you to select the process variables that will appear on the display. Up to 15 process variables can be configured to appear on the display. They can be accessed by using the scroll button. 读/写 枚举 256
Update_Period 40D5 刷新率 (100 - 10,000) The period in which the process variables on the local display are updated. (in msec) 读/写 无符号 256
Language 40D6 Language Current display language 读/写 枚举 256
modbus_address 40D9 Modbus Slave Address This parameter defines the Modbus slave address. Addresses 1-15,32-47,64-79, or 96-110 are allowed 读/写 无符号 2048
modbus_ascii_support 40DA Modbus ASCII 支持 读/写 枚举 2048
feature_key 40DD Features The type of log to be reset. 位枚举 2048
ETO_number 40DE 工程师到订单编号 Engineered to Order (ETO) number for the transmitter 无符号 2048
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类