名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
alarm_integer_41 4AFA 报警数 This parameter is the number of the alarm. For example, 26 for alarm A26 and 42 for alarm A102. 枚举 4096
alarm_integer_42 4AFB 报警数 This parameter is the number of the alarm. For example, 26 for alarm A26 and 42 for alarm A102. 枚举 4096
alarm_integer_43 4AFC 报警数 This parameter is the number of the alarm. For example, 26 for alarm A26 and 42 for alarm A102. 枚举 4096
alarm_integer_44 4AFD 报警数 This parameter is the number of the alarm. For example, 26 for alarm A26 and 42 for alarm A102. 枚举 4096
alarm_integer_45 4AFE 报警数 This parameter is the number of the alarm. For example, 26 for alarm A26 and 42 for alarm A102. 枚举 4096
alarm_integer_46 4AFF 报警数 This parameter is the number of the alarm. For example, 26 for alarm A26 and 42 for alarm A102. 枚举 4096
alarm_integer_47 4B00 报警数 This parameter is the number of the alarm. For example, 26 for alarm A26 and 42 for alarm A102. 枚举 4096
alarm_integer_48 4B01 报警数 This parameter is the number of the alarm. For example, 26 for alarm A26 and 42 for alarm A102. 枚举 4096
alarm_integer_49 4B02 报警数 This parameter is the number of the alarm. For example, 26 for alarm A26 and 42 for alarm A102. 枚举 4096
poll_ctrl_1 4075 轮询控制 1 A variable that represents how process variables are brought into the transmitter for the purpose of performing a pressure compensation or other calculations. 读/写 枚举 128
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类