名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
velocity_switch_setpoint 4022 Velocity Switch Setpoint 读/写 浮点 16
velocity_switch_hysteresis 4024 滞后 (0.001-0.1) 读/写 浮点 8
Process_Variable_Code_index 4027 索引 4096
Process_Variable_Code_0 49CA Var Code 0 The process variable of which display precision can be set 枚举 2048
Process_Variable_Code_1 49CB Var Code 1 The process variable of which display precision can be set 枚举 2048
Process_Variable_Code_2 49CC Var Code 2 The process variable of which display precision can be set 枚举 2048
Process_Variable_Code_3 49CD Var Code 3 The process variable of which display precision can be set 枚举 2048
Process_Variable_Code_4 49CE Var Code 4 The process variable of which display precision can be set 枚举 2048
Process_Variable_Code_5 49CF Var Code 5 The process variable of which display precision can be set 枚举 2048
Process_Variable_Code_6 49D0 Var Code 6 The process variable of which display precision can be set 枚举 2048
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类