Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ref_viscosity_astm_at_temp_0_7 43B9 Viscosity 1 R/W Float 32
ref_viscosity_astm_at_temp_1_7 43BA Viscosity 2 R/W Float 32
line_compressibility 418C Line Compressibility The compressibility of the process gas. Typically measured using a gas chromatograph. R/W Float 10
low_range_sg_gas 43EF R Float 4096
high_range_sg_gas 43F1 R Float 4096
mid_range_sg_gas 43F0 R Float 4096
volume_flow_digital_value 4E8D Volume Flow Rate R Float 10
volume_flow_digital_cutoff 4F4E Volume Flow Cutoff The volume flow rate below which the frequency/pulse output indicates zero flow, and below which totalizers stop counting. Cutoffs can also be configured for the mA output(s) (the AO cutoffs). An AO cutoff is active only if the process variable assigned to the output is mass flow or volume flow. R/W Float 8
volume_flow_upper_sensor_limit 4F83 Volume Flow Upper Sensor Limit USL 値 (アッパー センサー リミット値) - Upper レンジ値で使用できる最高の値を示しています。 R Float 8
volume_flow_lower_sensor_limit 4F84 Volume Flow Lower Sensor Limit LSL 値 (ロウアー センサー リミット値) - Lower レンジ値で使用できる最小の値を示しています。 R Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class