Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
low_gas_limit_3 47E2 Gas The name of the gas to be used to determine the K0 calibration point. R/W Enum 32
mid_gas_limit_3 47E4 Gas The name of the gas to be used to determine the K1 calibration point. R/W Enum 32
high_gas_limit_3 47E3 Gas The name of the gas to be used to determine the K2 calibration point. R/W Enum 32
gas_cal_selection 41F8 Start/Abort Gas Calibration W Enum 32
save_gas_cal_1 41F9 Save Gas Calibration 1 W Unsigned 2
save_gas_cal_2 41FA Save Gas Calibration 2 W Unsigned 2
save_gas_cal_3 41FB Save Gas Calibration 3 W Unsigned 2
start_gas_cal 41FC Start Gas Calibration W Unsigned 2
active_gas_cal_index 41CE Active Calibration The calibration factors to be used for measurement. R/W Index 2048
number_of_gas_cal_points 41CB Calibration Format Displays whether this calibration is based on two calibration gases or three calibration gases. R/W Enum 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class